ly tieu trang

Lam with the hardships of working at the construction site - With the she CEO secretly likes Lam!

Lam was harmed by bad guys - Robbed right on the way home! What will Lam's tragic outcome be?

The 'school bullying' incident suddenly happened on Lam's way home. What happened to the children?

The page harvests vegetables to sell at the market and the unexpected date between Lam and the girl

The days of learning - Lam and his arduous journey to find a stable job! Where will Lam's future go?

Sweet happy moment: from home to the street, a day filled with surprises from Lam for his wife!

Ly harvested taro and sold it - Ly's mother-in-law helped with the housework

Forgetting Past Mistakes - Lam's Family Visits Grandma in Hospital

The children come home at the weekend - Happy with the potato chips Ly made for the children

100 ears of sweet corn sold within 10 minutes. The kidnapping suddenly happened on Lam's way home!

A memorable birthday with a surprise gift from your husband, a simple but warm love

A sad day for Lam and Trang: when they had to say goodbye to the poor pig!

Rich flavor in each palm fruit: Black skin on the outside, rich golden inside, a must-eat in winter!

The kind policeman sold Ly Tieu Trang's family a house

Is life really peaceful when Lam's mother decides to live with Ly's family?

The children returned home: A happy, cozy meal with the two daughters after many days of separation!

Unexpected joy from the kind police - Transferring land documents to Ly's family

Ly was very sad when Lam got sick. Maybe Lam had worked hard and was exhausted

What will Lam do after bringing the found wallet back home: Will a large amount of money change Lam?

On rainy and stormy days, Ly goes to the market to sell figs to earn some extra money

Working on high-rise buildings: What difficulties will Lam face next when looking for a stable job?

The fear when Ly encountered a giant python while feeding chickens - Luckily Lam returned in time.

Beautiful yard made from bottles by the skillful hands of Ly and her husband

Lonely days without her husband: 30-minute summary of Ly's dailylife when her husband is away!